How beautiful this time as if in a dream if I did not live the piece of time. – ما هو فكري ومعتقدي …متى اخلد الى النوم وانا غير خائف …

 I never thought of writing something of Hadid. Some year ago I went to Rome for Campo Baeza exhibition shows and visit Maxxi.

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The feeling on the interior space has been: are lost in space and go with the flow in the directionI want; suspended time or best time combined with space. The perception of time changed.

Same feeling when I visit Guangzhou Opera House in China; unfortunately I wasn’t able to enter but the feeling outside was great.

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Very nice Serpentine pavilion in London completely integrated with old building.

Time and space unique element like in physic she graduate Math in Beirut. Thinking about Zaha bio thought about Iraq during 50S-70s. She grew in Bauhaus quarter.

Thinking about Iraq 40 years ago I have found this video, in short post there’s a comment (as you can see at 0.20 second there’s a beautiful house look like Gropius style); I decide it should be a title: How beautiful this time as if in a dream if I did not live the piece of time. 06d3151592d10f6b29bcfd97cede2e3e

Walter Gropius & Hisham A. Munir: design for University of Baghdad Campus, 1957

Iraq was a other country, in Baghdad worked Walter Groupies, Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Gio Ponti



a2af5f4cde40fb956468102ae5c41459Le Courbousier – Gymnasium 1957

pfgb_-_color_aerial_view_of_whole_planF.Lloyd Wright – Planes for greater Baghdad. Cultural Center, Opera House 1957-1958


Gio Ponti – Office building 1957-1958

Hadid grew in other time, the time was very different. Maybe try to live the piece of time, lost. I can’t believe actually situation in Iraq, I think that is a common reflection.


It’s possible she apply math and physic and know out about her architecture, space and time is not separate, it’s possible way for live and indagate time and space may lost or never lost (it’s in the matter). Reflecting about her architecture reminds me at string theory and holographic principle. Not until about these complicated theories, very fascinating mostly string theory while holographic principle can be represented with”that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region”. Zaha Hadid moved, where customer leaves freedom, mostly in recent time about architecture looks like this process:


solved by holographic principle theory:


In poor words holographic principle theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as two-dimensional, 3d dimension can be change according to the point of view.


Distorted space and time, volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region; Zaha Hadid try to distorted time and space like a physic with only one rule: boundary.

I think in my honest opinion this it inspired her.


“You can’t teach architecture. You can only inspire people” Z.H.

Creative Commons License
How beautiful this time Zaha Hadid by Matteo Maggioni is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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For the italian friend very interesting this article about physic:

other source:Ásmundur%20Sveinsson%3B%20Mannfreð%20Vilhjálmsson